Six common Myths about Scuba

A person's reaction to knowing you're a scuba diver is likely to be one of two things. If the person you tell is also a diver, you'll have an immediate connection. Those who don't dive may hear stories about killer sharks and other sea creatures and won't believe that you can dive anywhere. Here is a list of 6 of the most common myths about scuba diving that are circulating out there.
As you become a diver, you can escape the pressures above the surface, breathe in, relax, discover the beauty of the underwater world, and #LiveUnfiltered.
Myth #1: All the interesting stuff is deep
A lot of people ask scuba divers: "How deep can you dive?" some divers love the challenge of deep diving to explore, wrecks and different kinds of marine life, but most divers stay within 60 feet or 18 meters of the surface because the water is warm, the colors are way brighter, your air lasts longer and there is actually more stuff to see in shallower water.
However, for those who are interested to venture into deeper waters, the depth limit for recreational diving is 130 feet or 40 meters. To dive below this special training is needed to dive safely. This is because the deeper you go, the greater the risk of nitrogen narcosis, a condition that can cause confusion and disorientation, and other potential dangers associated with decompression sickness.
You can enroll in PADI technical diving courses to aquire such training as well as other training agencies that offer tech courses.
Myth #2: There is no good diving in colder water, only in Tropical water

Dive sites can be found almost anywhere with water, including lakes, quarries, decommissioned mines, and missile silos. Cold water environments like British Columbia, Canada, South Africa, and the United Kingdom offer some of the best diving in the world.
These areas have a diversity of marine life, including colorful kelp forests, shellfish, crustaceans, and schools of fish. The colder water also makes for clearer visibility, adding to the overall diving experience.
Dive sites can also be divided into categories based on the type of diving they offer. Some sites are known for their wreck diving, where divers explore sunken ships and other marine structures. Others offer cave diving, where divers explore underwater caves and caverns.
Regardless of the type of dive site, it is important to ensure that divers are properly trained and equipped to safely explore the underwater world.
Myth #3: People think scuba is dangerous
Many, many active sports and even non-active sports can have a risk element. For example snowboarding, skiing, cycling, football, hockey running, and even cooking have elements of risk and if basic care is not taken they could be dangerous. Scuba diving a well-structured training process, with specific rules designed for safety that you learn during your PADI® Open Water Diver certification course.
Most people think diving is dangerous because of sharks. Sharks get a lot of press due to the perception that they hunt mankind, which is not true. But there are many more dangerous animals like dogs, cougars, bears, even cows. But one of them most dangerous animals in North America is Moose.
Myth #4 It costs a lot of money to do scuba
Getting certified as an open water diver costs about the same as learning other outdoor activities. An Open Water Diver course® includes 6-8 hours of pool practice and four dives with an instructor.
Remember your PADI scuba certification is lifelong, you don't need to re-certify, it doesn't expire. Within the PADI system you can advance into different kinds of diving to enhance your diving lifestyle. If you are out of diving for an extended period of time, It's recommended that you do a refresher program, called ReActivate with a PADI Instructor just to get your skills tuned up, it's quick, easy and fun.
Myth #5: You must be a really good swimmer to become a scuba diver

Beginners quickly realize that vigorous swimming reduces the time it takes to dive. Experienced divers, on the other hand, are relaxed, rarely use their arms, and kick with long, slow strokes.
You only need basic water skills to become a scuba diver. These include:
Spend 10 minutes floating or treading water - you can lie on your back, on your front, tread water, "dog paddle," or anything else to keep afloat.
Using any swimming stroke, swim 200 metres/yards (or 300 metres/yards with mask, fins, and snorkel) without stopping. There is no time limit.
PADI Professionals can help
PADI Pros can help people of nearly any ability become underwater explorers. Individuals with physical challenges can scuba dive using adaptive techniques, and it is not uncommon for individuals with paraplegia, amputations, or other disabilities to earn PADI Open Water Diver certifications.
Myth #6: Only the physically fit or young can do scuba
Dr. Sylvia Earle, a diving legend, born in 1935, has dived for years. A retiree, a fellow named George Aitken got scuba certified at 74. George was certified with his grandson, and now there are three generations of divers including Grandma, Carol and Grandpa Joe. They enjoy special memories and times spent together both above the water and below.
If you are over the age of 45 and recieving medical care or have any health concerns you will need to go to your family doctor with a PADI medical form as a percaution.