Learn to Scuba Dive – 3 Reasons
Learn to Scuba Dive! Have you ever pictured yourself doing that and then actually scuba diving, in the ocean? I hadn’t until, oh, it’s been over 35 years now. Back then I had always been a passionate snorkeler but saw diving as something complicated, difficult to learn, with its heavy equipment and boring training plus I wasn’t a good swimmer.
Eventually, my reluctance gave way to curiosity and I decided to take the plunge, and years later I have logged thousands of dives all over the world and have seen and experienced incredible things.
After reading this article, hopefully, you’ll be spurred on to give it a go too and experience a whole new world.
Have a look at our diver training video intro clips for more information.
1. Learning to Scuba Dive Is easier than you might think
Scuba diving is not an extreme sport, as many think. The only skills you need are being able to swim and… breathing! When you go for your first dive, you are followed by an instructor who explains everything you need to know. Once you get into the water, you cannot feel any of the weight of the equipment. You just need to remember to equalize your ears (pinch your nose closed and gently breathe out against your nostrils) and not to stop breathing. When you reach the right depth, you don’t have to worry about anything – you can just enjoy the underwater views. Here is some information on scuba courses
2. You’ll meet creatures you’ve never dreamed of
Once underwater, you’ll get to meet a dazzling array of fish and marine mammals. Encountering the bigger fish is certainly my favorite part of scuba diving, but you will not believe your eyes when you will discover the amazing biodiversity present in our oceans. There is a new, fascinating universe down there that you’ve only ever seen in wildlife documentaries. There’s no substitute for exploring the seas first-hand. If you are not familiar with scuba diving or the lifestyle or industry have a look at this article and do a few Google searches as well.
3. When You Learn to Scuba Dive You’ll be protecting marine wildlife
By exploring the seas, you can actually protect wildlife! By choosing to see dolphins, sea turtles, barracudas, and other sea creatures in their natural environment you are actively discouraging keeping wildlife in captivity. Seeing marine creatures such as dolphins at very close range, following them on their journeys, and watching them eat and play while you gently swim, is a unique experience that cannot be replicated in a dolphinarium show.
PADI ( Professional Association of Diving Instructors) is our training agency. They certified 80% of the world’s divers. Learn more
If you would like to speak to a professional instructor contact us We would be happy to answer any questions.